Family Travel

family travel
I don’t have children, as was made clear in my last post. Therefore I am no expert on the joys & sorrows of traveling with kids. However, I care deeply for my siblings who DO have children & I enjoy encouraging them to explore places beyond Disney World. So if you’re looking for inspiration on family travel, read on!
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Mission Beets Accomplished!

beets recipe
After years of trying out recipes & visiting the finest dining establishments, I finally ate beets…and liked them.
Before beets became a trendy “super food,” I can remember my mom espousing the nutritional value of this root vegetable. But this was one food I just couldn’t stomach. I mean really, who wants to eat something that tastes like dirt? So I resigned myself to never eating beets. Once I began eating high nutrient foods, the beet challenge reared its head again. This veggie really is worth the effort to get right, with its excellent source of folate, manganese, potassium, copper, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, iron & vitamin B6. Like I said, “super food.”
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No Kids = Lots of Travel

childless dink couples travel

Do you travel a lot because you don’t have kids?

I have been asked this question more than once & it seems to be a common assumption. At first, it seems a fair question. Traveling with kids is more expensive & has added challenges, therefore parents are less likely to travel often. If THIS is the reason the question is asked, then my response is:

Having kids is no excuse for not traveling. In fact, you should travel as much as possible FOR your children — instill a passion for travel & curiosity about the world at an early age. [I’ll talk more about this in a follow-up post.]

Quite often, however, I hear a subtle undertone behind the question that implies something different. It implies that a childless couple has a void in their life which must be filled, & travel fills that void. THIS question bothers me for several reasons:

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