Forest Bathing…Are You Kidding Me?

shinrin-yoku japanese forest bathing
When someone first told me about “forest bathing” I looked at her with a stupefied face & could barely get out “say WHAT?” She told me it was “a Japanese thing” so I of course Googled it & lo & behold, forest bathing is a real thing. It is based on the Japanese concept of shinrin-yoku, which translates to forest bathing or “taking in the forest.” The basic idea is that meandering through a forest has scientifically proven health benefits. Japan & Korea are so serious about this stuff, they supposedly cover it with medical insurance. I might just move to Osaka.
It seems to be trending in the US right now, so all you turmeric & Buddha bowl fans should jump on this right now!!!
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Mission Beets Accomplished!

beets recipe
After years of trying out recipes & visiting the finest dining establishments, I finally ate beets…and liked them.
Before beets became a trendy “super food,” I can remember my mom espousing the nutritional value of this root vegetable. But this was one food I just couldn’t stomach. I mean really, who wants to eat something that tastes like dirt? So I resigned myself to never eating beets. Once I began eating high nutrient foods, the beet challenge reared its head again. This veggie really is worth the effort to get right, with its excellent source of folate, manganese, potassium, copper, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, iron & vitamin B6. Like I said, “super food.”
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