Choose to See the Good

Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose. — Dolores from HBO series Westworld

Are you one of those “half glass full” people?  Have you ever felt frustrated when others viewed you as weak or naive because of your insistence to always look on the bright side?  If you answered “yes” then you’re in good company, and let me tell you why…

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Water Fasting Retreats

Siddhayatan Asham Texas
I recently watched a documentary called The Science of Fasting & it really sparked my interest because the film talks about how fasting is being used in Russia, Germany, the UK & the US as a treatment option for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol & more.  Fasting is one of the oldest medical treatments in history & appears in nearly every major religion & culture around the world.  Sounds like a pretty good resume to me.
While I’m not yet sold on it as a way to heal my RA, I am convinced of its health benefits.  I’m not ready to “take the plunge” but I have been researching potential places in case I ever do decide to try it.  Water fasting or a very light juice/broth fasting is what I’m interested in trying, based on the research I’ve seen so far.  There are a lot of health spas & resorts that would be VERY happy to take my money, but sorting out the good ones takes some time.  Here are my top picks, based on recommendations from the medical community & countless hours of online research.  Let me know if anyone has experience with these or if you know of one not mentioned.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis Tool Bag

Rheumatoid Arthritis can be a scary diagnosis, but fortunately there are TONS of resources available. I’ve had RA for five years & I’m certainly no expert, but I can share what I’ve learned so far.


Arthritis Foundation      
National organization whose mission is to guide families in developing personalized plans for living a full life.  Perfect starting point if you’ve recently been diagnosed.
RA Warrior
This blog was a life-saver for me during my first year of diagnosis, offering the perfect balance of science & personal stories.
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