Medieval Hospitality in Marin County

Pelican Inn muir beach
“They can kick us out, but I’m stealing the chocolate!” ~ Clare, Day 2
The first hiking day of our Marin Walking Holiday was a mere 7 mile walk from Marin Headlands Hostel to Muir Beach. We were prepared with maps in hand, plenty of water, and food…or so I thought. I didn’t spend enough time considering the elevation changes, and these sea level Louisianians found themselves huffing and puffing up and down coastal cliffs all day.  We arrived at our destination inn starving and broken.  Which is why, when faced with eviction, I stole the chocolate without hesitation…
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Hostel Coyotes in Marin County

“They have prison showers.  You’re lucky we’re only staying here one night, otherwise you’d be sleeping with a dirty smelly man.” ~ Eric, Day 1

For those intrepid travelers accustomed to staying in hostels, this may not come as a surprise.  For hostel neophytes like my husband and I, we were surprised to find that the men’s showers were indeed like a prison — one big open space with a bunch of shower heads.  Yeah, not happening with this private man of mine.  But let me backtrack a bit…
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Walking Holiday in Marin County

bolinas marin california walkabout

“Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.” ~ Steven Wright

All avid fans of hiking or long distance walking share something in common.  They understand that you must walk to truly experience and see a place.  Sure, a car or bike will get you there quicker and allow you to see more places, but those modes of travel don’t allow you to see more OF a place.  In our modern world where everything seems to move at lightning speed, is it no wonder people are craving slow travel?  In a world driven by consumerism and the desire for more, is it surprising that someone like me would seek travel that focuses on meaningful experiences rather than a sightseeing checklist?

Slow travel doesn’t mean you move at the pace of a sloth — it’s a mindset, a different way of looking at vacation. 

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