Best of the Yorkshire Dales

tree in yorkshire dales national park

Eric and I have hiked some beautiful places, each with their own unique charm, but there was one particular day on our recent Muddy Boots walking holiday where the transcendent beauty of the Yorkshire Dales grabbed hold of me. The magic of this place is subtle, it doesn’t wham into you like an epic mountain range or strip you bare like a desert. It folds you into a comfortable green space then delights you with little surprises.

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The Yorkshire Dales Town for Herriot Fans

grassington best yorkshire dales town for james harriot fans

We spent three nights in a tiny village that we consider the best town in the Yorkshire Dales, especially for fans of James Herriot’s All Creatures Great and Small. And no, it’s not the town of Thirsk (where the James Herriot museum is located). It’s the lovely town of Grassington and its tiny neighbor Linton that may have turned us into Herriot devotees.

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Pub Hiking in the Yorkshire Dales

woman hiking yorkshire dales national park

Clare: Want to hike through the Yorkshire Dales?

Eric: Where’s that?

Clare: Central England. Rolling green hills, lots of sheep and a walking company called Muddy Boots that I like.

Eric: hmmm…

Clare: We sleep in a pub every night.

Eric: Let’s do it!

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