Walking Dingle, Day 1

Our first trip to Europe was a walking holiday in Dingle Ireland.  We booked the trip through Sherpa Expeditions, so they took care of all our lodging, itineraries & luggage transfers from inn to inn. With travel days included & all expenses, this was a 10-day trip that cost us $3200 (airfare was free & I’ll talk more about that in future posts).  Well worth the money.  There is SO much I want to share about this trip, so I’ll divvy it up into separate posts.

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When the woman who inspired my first foray into international travel says “Clare, we should start a hiking club for women & call it the No. 1 Ladies Hiking Society,” what’s a girl to say?  I said yes of course and over 90 people showed up to our first meeting!  A year & 367 members later, I find myself starting this blog because this past year has shown me that people really are interested in getting advice on healthier travel and experiencing life to its fullest…from a 36 year old hiking newbie.  I would have NEVER thought this in a million years had that first coffee house conversation with Mary never happened.  So Mary, I totally blame you for all the future sleepless nights and stiff typing fingers that are about to ensue.

Hiking Club for Ladies

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