Getting to Sifnos & Peristeronas House

sifnos greece
I love being in new places & hate getting there, & have been known to say on multiple occasions that I would give anything from a piece of my soul to a limb to a portion of my life savings to teleport. ~ V E Schwab
The ideal island to me is one that is a little difficult to reach.  One with no cruise ships or hordes of tourists.  A place where time slows and you can forget who you are.  The Greek island of Sifnos is one of those islands and unless you hang with the super yacht crowd, then you will be taking a ferry to Sifnos.  But fear not, it’s very easy to get to Sifnos & it’s worth the effort!
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Sifnos, Our Greek Island of Choice

sifnos greece
We spent a week in Greece, and no we didn’t go to Santorini…or Mykonos…or Crete…or any of those other islands that travel agencies love to promote. We went to Sifnos.
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