Annascaul to Dingle (20km/13.5mi)
This route was the second prettiest hike of the trip, with light rain off & on and a long stop at the rocky cliffs surrounding Minard Castle. I could easily envision a Count of Monte Christo scene here or at the very least some smugglers bringing in French wine. This was our third day straight of walking 10+miles, which we had NEVER done and these flat-landers were pretty sore early on that morning. Dining options along our route were limited so when we stumbled on Kate’s Cross, a VERY tiny gas station/convenience store, we were thrilled with their simple offerings. A table, some chairs, a toilet, and toasted ham & cheese sandwich with coleslaw — bliss!
At some point we reached a field where the instructions said walk across the field, but the entrance to this field had a large “beware bull” sign. Needless to say, we moved quickly. The last two miles before Dingle were beautiful, with hills full of sheep and rapidly moving rivers. The road into Dingle, however, was a nightmare vertical walk straight down that seemed to last forever.
I had shin splints at this point & was so miserable that Eric claims I started muttering to myself and castigating the local livestock.