Munich: City of Bells

Munich is a city of church bells. You can hear them every hour, ringing from every direction, their different tones blending harmoniously with each other.

And if you’re there on trash day, you can also hear the early morning clanking of thousands of beer bottles being dumped into trucks. This of course pairs nicely with the drunk tourists reveling in the streets, pretending they can keep up with the Germans who were weaned on hops.

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Salzburg Austria City Tour: Part 2

Salzburg Austria

Our third day in Salzburg didn’t go as planned, & I blame it solely on a cantankerous bus driver (& maybe a little bit on my husband).

The original plan was to hop on a bus to Hellbrunn Schloss, a quirky pleasure palace about 20min from the city. We timed it so that we could get in free with our Salzburg Card, which was good for 24 hours from the first time you use it. Our hotel concierge told us exactly what bus to get on & when to get on it. All was going smoothly until the bus arrived & I told Eric to hop on it. Now here’s the problem: Eric is a smart man & he generally listens to me, but when the back door of that bus opened instead of the front door, my poor logical husband just couldn’t wrap his head around that. We had just been chewed out two days hence for not using the correct door & Eric knew that door was supposed to be the exit (not the entrance). So despite my frantic urging to “just get on it,” we missed the bus. In fact, the bus driver shut the door in my face as I was trying to step on — I even banged on the door before he took off…don’t think he liked that too much.
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