The Way to My Heart is through Food

If you know me, then you know I’m one of the luckiest women in the world…because I come home from work to a home-cooked meal almost every day.  These meals are lovingly prepared by my husband who also works a 40hr job just like me, yet I have never once heard him complain.  NEVER.  Sure, sometimes he doesn’t cook, because he’s tired or got home late, but those times are rare and he still doesn’t expect me to cook even then.  Now before you start claiming him Saint Eric, let me interject here:

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Let’s Go to Banff…or not

Using Bear Spray Effectiveness
I might have mentioned at some point that I have a travel addiction.  That’s not an exaggeration.  I am truly a travel junkie.  You want to know how I know?  Because the first thing I do upon returning from a trip is…[you guessed it]…start planning the next one!  Eric is just as guilty.  On a recent drive home from Alabama, Eric said
let’s go somewhere for Labor Day!
Keep in mind, we’ve already got a 2-week trip planned to Germany & Austria this fall, PLUS a weekend getaway to Chicago in October.  But apparently we need our fix sooner than that.  So, I start looking at hiking options in Banff National Park.
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Something you must know about my husband and I:  he is an engineer and I’m a librarian.  We are planners and organizers at our very core.  Our coffee cup handles line up perfectly in the cabinet and our spice rack is a thing of beauty to behold.  Our trip itineraries and notes are detailed enough to be travel guides.  Needless to say, when we plan for a trip we probably OVER plan.  This has never been a problem for us, since we both love to research and find that research in itself is a way of travelling.

I never realized, however, how much our detailed planning sometimes hindered us from being spontaneous.

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