Water Fasting Retreats

Siddhayatan Asham Texas
I recently watched a documentary called The Science of Fasting & it really sparked my interest because the film talks about how fasting is being used in Russia, Germany, the UK & the US as a treatment option for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol & more.  Fasting is one of the oldest medical treatments in history & appears in nearly every major religion & culture around the world.  Sounds like a pretty good resume to me.
While I’m not yet sold on it as a way to heal my RA, I am convinced of its health benefits.  I’m not ready to “take the plunge” but I have been researching potential places in case I ever do decide to try it.  Water fasting or a very light juice/broth fasting is what I’m interested in trying, based on the research I’ve seen so far.  There are a lot of health spas & resorts that would be VERY happy to take my money, but sorting out the good ones takes some time.  Here are my top picks, based on recommendations from the medical community & countless hours of online research.  Let me know if anyone has experience with these or if you know of one not mentioned.
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Memories of Zion National Park & Spirit Airlines

West Rim Zion National Park Utah
March is almost upon us and I’ve been reminiscing about a trip to Nevada and Utah we took around this time last year. It was my first trip to Las Vegas, our first experience on a budget airline, and our first time hiking Zion National Park.  While I can’t divulge any of my stories of Vegas [because as we all know: what happens in Vegas STAYS in Vegas], I can HAPPILY share my memories of the rest of this trip.
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My Super Woman Heels

Lifestride parigi pumps

You put high heels on and you change. ~ Manolo Blahnik

There is nothing charming about a woman who cannot walk in her shoes. ~ Manolo Blahnik

Oh the dilemma, the epic struggle of the modern woman…how to be comfortable & look sexy at the same time. This frustrating dichotomy rears its ugly head every time I have a special event, hot date night, or when I’m planning a European trip (where they judge you by your shoes). The wardrobe piece that seems to cause the most distress is the high heel. To me, it’s a good symbol of society’s conflicting expectations of womanhood. The perfect woman is supposed be both sex goddess & nurturing mother.
shoes heels sneakers
I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to be sexy in sneakers and it’s damn near impossible to put in a full day at home or office in stilettos. So what’s a girl to do?
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