The Sifnos Way

sifnos greece

Post written by Aimee Guillotte

I remember sitting on the ferry to Sifnos feeling excited and anxious about what we were about to see. I had envisioned the beaches seen in movies and blue water, but I never could have imagined the island being as perfect as it was. Yes, the beaches were pristine and the buildings were really that white, but the entire way of life is what I will always remember and value about Sifnos the most. 

“Wherever in this world that you go, may you find a place that takes you into its heart.” ~ The Sifnos Chronicles by Sharon Blomfield
And it did. It captured my heart the second I stepped off the ferry and it was already calling for me to go back when I stepped on the ferry to return home. sifnos greece
It was quiet. Only 30 or so people got off the ferry when we did. It may have been even less, I was too busy taking in the landscape to notice. It smelled sweet and warm, which now I realize was because every bit of food there is divine! The woman we rented our house from had wine and treats for us when we arrived and continued to surprise us with goodies every afternoon. Many times we were given free dessert at restaurants, the owners showing their appreciation for our business or for returning a second time. And I thought southern hospitality was the best! sifnos greece sifnos greece
I hope I can always remember the sounds from that house: birds chirping, chickens, donkeys, church bells, Greek chatter, cars and scooters honking to say hello. Now I know I can hear these sounds in my small home town as well, but Sifnos was different. donkey sifnos greece
Life was slower, so I took the time to really hear and see things. It wasn’t just because I was a traveler and didn’t have my planner with me each day with a list of things to do. Even the locals moved at a slower pace and lived life in such a beautiful and intentional way in their daily tasks. The entire town would shut down from 3-5 every afternoon to rest. It makes me want to pack my entire life and move there now. People would say Kalimera (good day/good morning) to everyone with a smile. sifnos greece
The Greek frappe, we were informed, was to be sipped slowly over 1 hour. We were instructed to “read the paper, look up & watch people, sip, and repeat.” I will confess though, it was so good I sipped it much faster than that!

frappe sifnos greece

As far as people watching goes, I will add that to my list of reasons why you will love Sifnos. No one watches you or cares what you look like! I never saw people with extravagant clothes or makeup. No one cared if you took your top off on the beach to put on sunscreen or whether your body was worthy of a magazine cover. Everyone just appreciated each other’s freedom and natural state. It was wonderful. 

sifnos greece

I am so grateful that we walked the island. I was able to take the time to appreciate the towns and the people in them. There was no rush, I could never tell you what time of day it was , other than when my stomach growled. My feet got dirty in the sandals that took me all over that island and it was so refreshing to be able to walk for miles and then dip them in the cool ocean. Sifnos was so foreign and yet it felt like home. There were no tourists looking at “must see” spots or large crowds. There were only travelers, like us, who wanted to experience the culture. sifnos greece
I firmly believe that traveling is an investment. You realize that no matter what language you speak, what your beliefs are, or where you are from, we are all connected. The world has so much to offer us, and if we allow, it has so much to teach us. The landscapes, the people, the cultures, they will change you and make you a better person. Sifnos in particular will teach you to value the simple moments of life instead of rushing through them. If you’re like me and you have always been drawn to Greece with its minimalistic style and gorgeous scenery, travel to Sifnos. It will change you and take you into its heart.
Want to explore other islands similar to Sifnos? Visit Trips to WALKabout to find Best Destinations for Hiking the Greek Islands.

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