Where to next?

It’s that time of year again, when Eric & I sit down to decide what country we want to visit next year.  As mentioned in my previous post (Too Much Information!), we’ve been binge watching the History Channel’s Viking series, so we’re in the mood for some Nordic travel.  After much research, we’ve narrowed it down to three locations:  Norway, Faroe Islands or Novia Scotia.  Each offers its own unique experiences & landscape, so it’s difficult to choose.  So I thought I’d get YOUR opinion.
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Let’s Go to Banff…or not

Using Bear Spray Effectiveness
I might have mentioned at some point that I have a travel addiction.  That’s not an exaggeration.  I am truly a travel junkie.  You want to know how I know?  Because the first thing I do upon returning from a trip is…[you guessed it]…start planning the next one!  Eric is just as guilty.  On a recent drive home from Alabama, Eric said
let’s go somewhere for Labor Day!
Keep in mind, we’ve already got a 2-week trip planned to Germany & Austria this fall, PLUS a weekend getaway to Chicago in October.  But apparently we need our fix sooner than that.  So, I start looking at hiking options in Banff National Park.
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