Bellingham, a Walking Paradise

teddy bear cove chuckanut drive

Why we love Bellingham, WA

It’s no secret that Washington is Eric and I’s favorite state in the United States, followed closely by Oregon. We visit the Pacific Northwest as often as possible. One of the reasons we love this area is because it is a walking paradise. Notice I said walking, not hiking. Most people think hiking when they plan a trip here, and for good reason. The North Cascades, Mt. Rainier and Olympic Mountains offer epic hikes, but zoom in closer on the map and you’ll discover endless possibilities.
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Freising Germany, a Hidden Gem

I love it when a destination completely surprises me, which is a rare occasion because I tend to research to death every place I visit.

So imagine how happy I was to discover the sleepy town of Freising, Germany, which I picked as our last night for our 14-day Austria/Germany sojourn simply due to its proximity to the Munich airport. I didn’t know anything about the town, other than that it had a brewery [Big deal, right? They seem to be everywhere in Germany] and that I got a decent price for a hotel within walking distance to the train.

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Forest Bathing…Are You Kidding Me?

shinrin-yoku japanese forest bathing
When someone first told me about “forest bathing” I looked at her with a stupefied face & could barely get out “say WHAT?” She told me it was “a Japanese thing” so I of course Googled it & lo & behold, forest bathing is a real thing. It is based on the Japanese concept of shinrin-yoku, which translates to forest bathing or “taking in the forest.” The basic idea is that meandering through a forest has scientifically proven health benefits. Japan & Korea are so serious about this stuff, they supposedly cover it with medical insurance. I might just move to Osaka.
It seems to be trending in the US right now, so all you turmeric & Buddha bowl fans should jump on this right now!!!
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