Those Curious Librarians

travel advice librarian advisor vacation planning
I will soon begin a new adventure in my career, which has me pondering why I became a librarian in the first place. Most people know that I love travel, so why didn’t I become a travel agent or tour guide? I also love good design & architecture, so why didn’t I follow that path? And then there’s the fact that I majored in History for my undergrad, so why not a teacher or researcher?  And the short answer is…


After 14+ years of experience working in public libraries, I’ve come to see that curiosity is a common trait shared among our profession. It’s a common trait in our patrons as well. It’s one of the main reasons we read, after all. We want to know what it’s like to experience other places, other times, different ways of thinking or feeling. We want to learn new things. We want to meet new people. We want to improve ourselves or the world around us. And some of us are just plain nosy.librarian
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The Sifnos Way

sifnos greece

Post written by Aimee Guillotte

I remember sitting on the ferry to Sifnos feeling excited and anxious about what we were about to see. I had envisioned the beaches seen in movies and blue water, but I never could have imagined the island being as perfect as it was. Yes, the beaches were pristine and the buildings were really that white, but the entire way of life is what I will always remember and value about Sifnos the most. 
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Choose to See the Good

Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose. — Dolores from HBO series Westworld

Are you one of those “half glass full” people?  Have you ever felt frustrated when others viewed you as weak or naive because of your insistence to always look on the bright side?  If you answered “yes” then you’re in good company, and let me tell you why…

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